Studies on the effect of some factors on embryonated eggs, hatchability and hatched chicks

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1974
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 153
BibID 10373435
Keywords : eggs    
Investigations were carried out to study the effeof different methods of treating hatching eggs tufure or before setting on hatchability and hatch3d chcks. One thousand,three hundred and twenty eggs obtatned from disease-free flock, and 120 chickens of ouhybrid Fayoumi breed were used in this work.1- The pre-incubation storage of hatching eggsa temperature of 12.50 C. and relative humidity of 85--90% is recommended as it proved to be a reliable environmentgiving the highest hatchability percentage and chicks of goodquality. 2- The increase in length of air cell over 1 cm. adversely affected hatchability and the quality of the hatched chicks, so air cell length can be considered as a reliablemethod for measuring the prospective of hatching eggs. 3- The pre-storage fumigation of hatching eggs shortlyafter laying by using 35 ml. formalin (40% formaldehyde gas in water) and 17.5 g. potassium permanganate for 10 minutes was found to be a more successful means to obtain a higherhatchability percentage of stored eggs and a better quality 01 hatched chickS., 