Some biochemical aspcts of friesian and buffalo Semen

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1974
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 196
BibID 10399404
Keywords : veterinary Clinical Biochemistry    
In both species the seminal fructose concentration (mg%) decli (led significantly from the first t-owar-dthe third successive ejaculates. .u similar butless significant trend was observed for the fructose per sperm in different ejaculates. The ejaculate content of f~uctose also showed a steadydecline ’with s equ ance of e j acul at Lon in buf’f’a Lces , but ill Friesia,l. bu Ll.s second e ja cu l ate contained higher fructose level than did first or third ones. 2- .• cid cho sphat as e activity in units per 100 ml of s emeri d e cr e aaed signrevealed that the bighest p~Fcentage of generalized tubercul.sis(45.5%) was found amonb emaciated carcasses, while localizedaffections prevailed among carCasses in moderate condition(76.9%). Lower percentages were met with in fatty carcasses.Vi,aQle t;uoe:J:’cle bac Ll.Li, could be isol9-teq. from 2P..5%.f ~l+e ~xaut;i.ped lympp. node$ as well as from their correspond~t:lgd+ainage areas. The organisms could be detected at times inthe l.ymph node s or inth-a dr a Lnage areas with an incidence 