Incidence of infertility among dairy cattle under Kuwait conditions

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 153
BibID 10094373
Keywords : Infertility in Animal    
A. Clinical findings:The examination of 1498 Friesian cows bred at 5 farms at Salubiah, Kuwait, revealed that fol1icular cystsoccurred in 51 case (3.41%), anoestrus was observed in 169 case (11.28%), while repeat breeder cows were 268(17.89%).~he different causes of anoestrus were inactivity of the ovaries (69.2.3), silent heat (15.38%), pyometra (9.48%),persistent corpus luteurn (4.73%) and corpus luteum cyst (1.18%).Repeat braeders were found mainly suffering from chronie endometritis with cervicitis (84.6%), ovario-bursal adhesions (2.6%), chronic salpingitis (1.8610) anddelayed ovulation (1.86%). Ivloveover, it was found that the uncorrect time of service (2.37%) as well as otherunknown causes (6.71%) most probably early embryonic mortality are among fectors causing repeat breeding. 