Studies of some factors affecting semen production in buffalo-bulls

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 106
BibID 10094368
Keywords : Buffaloes    
Considering the problem of bull shortage, the high ro.te of DROP out in buffalo bulls in A.I.centers, and thepcuc i, ty of informations c onc er-n In., the physiologicel aspect of semen production, the present wo rk is cm. attempt to find out the optimum system of semen collection to util- ize fully the nvnilo.ble prove~ bulls, to exploit some of the par-eme t ebuffaloes.Six sexually mature buffalo bulls three to five wears of age, we r-e assigned into three r-e Lnt i.v e Ly .comparable groups. Semen was collected once, tw.i.c e andthrice per week, -With two ejaculates each, in c”naltern2.tive position between the bull groups 9 on three periods of ~ix weeks each, f o Ll.owe d by two we ek s ofsexual rest.During the pe r Lod of sexua L rest, the body we t as we Ll. (1.s the linef’.r me aaur-emerrt s of the testis [’,no. the scrotal circumference \lere determined. ’l’h e design c LLowedto study the effects of frequency, intensity cnd sequenceof ej[’.culction ns veIl as nge, body weight and testissize on aexu a L desire, semen quantity and quality. 