Studies about lactation pattern due to some aspects of cattle management

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 0
Type of Publication: Theses Pages:
BibID 10046255
Keywords : Milk    
The conditions unjer which farm animals are managed, in Beheira, Alexandria and Kafer-El-Sheikh Govenorates were investigated comprising the system of housing, the prevai- ling micro-climatic ’condition, age at first calving, uddermassage and milking technique, calving season, body measu- rements, udd’r dimensions, dry period and calving interval as well as the sequence of lactation. The study of above mentioned aspects of cattle mana- gement ann. the ir re la t i ve influenc e on on milk yield. Animals kept in indoor housing systems exceeded those confined outdoors in the average production of milk (29l9.5! 79J.99 azid 22J9 ! 249.1 Kg i vely). 2) Concrete floors provided with insula t Lng beddine materials such as rice straw were