Some Studies on Viruses Affecting The Respiratory System of Poultry Vaccinated Against NDV in Behira Province

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1985
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 132
BibID 10093081
Keywords : Virus Diseases    
Three hundred tracheal were collected from NewCastle diseasese vac cLneted birds (Lentogenic vaccinetal strain) as well as the same number of blood from the: the same birds at three doLfferent Farms in BeheraGove r-norate. The sera of the birds were teste(20.4%) and the lowest at 28~ 211, 212, 210 (3.2%, 1.8~ 1.8% and 1.4% respectivelj) AGP,]’ was done on the same s e r-a samples and only 17 aamp L« es Cave specific precipitating lines (5%), with the titre ranging between 21 and 25. There was a relationsh