Some factors affecting spermatogenesis in albino rats

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1985
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 99
BibID 10354621
Keywords : Spermatogenesis in animals    
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect (s) of prostaglandin P2C)( (PGP 2()() and aspirin (pros- taglandin synthesis inhibitor) on spermatogenesis in alb-ino rats.Mature male rats were divided into six equal groups eaoh of which consisted of 6 rats. The first group (cont-rol) was injected with 0.1 ml saline under the tunica vaginalis of the left testis and injected subcutaneouslywith 0.2ml 1% gum acasia and 0.1 ml olive oil. The seco- nd group was injected under the tunicaleft testis with 50 Ug FGP2~ in 0.1 ml saline. The third group was injected subcutaneously with 200 Ug testosteronein 0.1 ml olive oil plus 50 Ug PGP2~under the tunica vagi-na1is of the left testis. The fourth group was injected with 200 Ug testosterone subcutaneously. The Fifth group was inj- ected subcutaneously with 30 Ug aspirin in 0.2 ml of 1% gumacasia. The sixth group was injected with 200 Ug testoterone plus 30 mg aspirin in gumgroups were injected daily for 15 days. Four hours after thelast injection, LH content of the pituitaries and serum was determined. The gonads and accessory glands were weighed.The testes were processed for histological examination. Thefructose content in the seminal vesicles and the sperm countin the caudaepldidymidies were determined 