The pharmacodynamic properties of some recent fasciolicides in comparision with carbon tetrachloride

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1981
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 122
BibID 10092601
Keywords : Veterinary Pharmacology    
Fascioliasis isc serious insidious parasitosis with world wide distribution infesting fann animals and even man. This endanger the national income due to condemination ofthe infested. livers. and the reduction in weight gain, wool quali ty, milk yeild and ash. In addition animals suffering f’r-or, fascioliasis exhibited a minDnized digestion and diarrhoea due to liver troubles. Therefore, many trials were performed in ordCarbon tetrachloride is the old truely effective remedy introduced for the treatment of fascioliasis in 1920. Carbon tetrachloride is more active against me.ture flukes, but lesseffeetiue against immature forms. A seoond untoward effect is its marked toxicity to the mammalian liver and the heart. For these reasons a series of newlY developed fasciolicidalwere introduced to avoid the toxicity resulted from ~e~~aohloride and J~t be of value treating aeu te fascioliasis.In this experimental work, the pharmacodynamic proper- sofNiclofolan and Rafoxanide in comparison with Carbon studied. The toxicological activities of - se fasciolieidal drugs were also investigated. ects on the isolated preparations: induced by Carbon teguinea pig ileum and rabbit duodenum. Niclofolan induced 