Biochemical Effect of Oral Antidiabetic Drugs In Serum Constituents In Poultry

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 123
BibID 10181844
Keywords : Veterinary Drugs    
This ’Work was carried out to study the offeot of the 2 classes of oral hypoglycemic dtugs biguanidesand sulphonyiurea derivatives (Glucophage, Daonil and Tolbutamide) on some serum c~nstituents of chicken.This included determination of blbod glucose, serum transaminases (GfP,T. and G,O,’r), serum triglyo-eride, liver glycogen and insulin. Histopathological studies of B-oell of pancreas was also carried out.IBODokki 4 chicken obtained from Banha poult~ry Farms we;(e used for this study. They Were classified into one con-trol group and experimental animal groups.The experimental groups were classified into :-I Treated groups without alloxan injecrtion which subdivided into :-group (a) treated with glucophage group Cb) treated with daonil (Glibenclamide) group (c) treated with tolbutam-idee The above mentioned drugs were given in a daily dose for a duration of 5 weeks for each groups (a,b, an.d c).II Treated groups with alloxaninjection which were cl- asgified into :-1- alloxan diabetic treated groups:-group (a) treated with glucophage group Cb) treated with daonil group (c) treated with tolbutamide. 