The effect of the insecticide sumicidin on theuterine muscles of rats in different stages of pregnancy

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 77
BibID 10050847
Keywords : Veterinary Pharmacology    
In this experimental work, the effects of sumicidin on the motility of the rot uteruo in vitro as well as in vivo Vlere investit;ated. Effects on the isolated smooth museles:-~~e effect of the drug was investigated in non prQ- nnnt and pregnant rat uteri in different stages of pre-gnancy (early, mid Gnd late pregnancy).t\.t 10-;: concentrations, a prominent inhibition WaS cieve by the crug on non pregnant, early, mid and latepregn~t uteri, By increasing the doses, full relaxation \’iUS recorded.L~e inhibitory effect of the drug might be due to an atropine-Like activity a8 acetylcholine failed to produceita stimulatory effect in the presence of sunicidin on non pregnant uteri, but induced a very sli~ht stimulation onearly pregnant rat uteri. On mid and late pregnant uteri , acetyl choline’s effect became more pronounced, but still considerablY less than its effect alone. On these stages the high level of oestro~en might play a role increasing the response of etyl choestrase activity. 