Relationship between burns and gastrointestinal disorders in dogs

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 85
BibID 10136123
Keywords : Veterinary Surgery    
The oresent study was carried out on 90 dogs of diff- erent age s ard sex, devided into 9 groups. 10%, 30~, and 50% burns of different types (flame or scald or chemical) were performed on these animals. effect of cutaneous burns upon the gastrointestinal addition to some serum b i oc hem ic a.L variations and blood changes before and after bur n Lig , Post-mortem and histopathological (’xamination of the gaat r o Lrt e s t Lna.l tract were done ob animals which died and on killed dogs.Some trials of topical treatment by Rikospray or rlfargin were evaluated.Different types of burns resulted in severe inflammtion with in~ nse pain followed by skin sloughing, loss of sensat ion, and suppuration. Polyth irsty, rest ilessness, and hyperthesia are the most clinical signs dJrinc; the first few days of burn. ’:2be degree of inflammat ion and 