Some Epidemiologcal Studies on Avian Tuberculosis

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 101
BibID 10253700
Keywords : Poultry    
1- A total of 120 sputum samples collected from pat-ients and 29 , clinically suspected organs represented..nodules, from 2775 examined birds were negative for 11.av i um microsc opically and bac t e r-i o.Log.ic ally.2- L1. avium was dessimenated from experimentally in-fected birds at 2 we e k s wi th eggs and after 1 week withDROPping.3- Eggs from tuberculous hens vvere positive for i.i,avium in 155&, of these 26.6% positive in the interiorshell, 40)ib in wh i t e and 46.6% in yolk.4- Eggs collected froln tuberculous hens have aahatch-aui Lt y % of 24.4. None of the hatched chicks were posit-ive for ~,I. avd um ,5- l.I. av.l um was isolated from incubated eggs in per-centuges of 50, 37.5 & 20 from early dead germs, deadembryoes and pipped egt;s, respectively6- The viability of liI. avium on df.ff e r-errt objects:feather, tape water litter, DROPping and cultivated soilowas studied. In door (24 ± 5 c) avian tubercle bacilli 