Digestion in camels

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1971
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 155
BibID 10353126
Keywords : veterhnary physiology    
The present investigation includ~s studies on the process of digestion in Camelus drornudarius. It coversthe study of somo morphological, biochemical and micro- biological investigations of the diflerent compartmGnts of the aLimentary tract t to dc ce rm i.ne th”,ir functions.1- The camel’s mixed saliva has a mild ffect on hydrolysis of solublo starch. This amylolytic activity isdue to functional activity of some of the salivary glands, as it was dumonstrated that thl.- ventral buccal and parotid glands of the camel arc serous and possess greator amylo-lytic activity than the submaxillary gland which is of a mixed type. The sublinGual gland did not show any amylo- lytic activity as it is puroly mucous in nature. Some micro-organisms of the mouth flora of the camol contributeto the amylolytic activity of saliva. It was found that ordinary saliva is more potent than saliva treated withstreptomycin.2- The biochemical investigations of all compart- ments of camel’s stomach r~vealed the presence of three.8nzymatic activities, namely, a~1Y~ic, prot~olytic and lipolytic ac t.Lvd t Le s , ’rhuse ac b i.vd t.i.e s vary from an animal to anoth~r. The enzymatic activities of the solidfraction were always greater than the liquid fraction. 