Some studies on subclinical mastitis in buffaloes and cattle with special reference to mycotic infections in Assiut province

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1981
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 151
BibID 10371908
Keywords : Veterinary Mycology    
702 milk bamples collected from normal udders of 121 lactating buffDl o~s and 64 lactating cows in Asa1ut Prov1no~were examined physioally, chemically, cytologically, bact- eeriologically and mycologicnlly to determine the incidence eof subclinical masti tie.eThe physical examination ot th~ udders helped in deteo- e,.tion of Q.ssymetery of the qua.rters, as well a.s revealed theedistribution of blind tea.ts or atrophied quo.rters. While,the milk characters varied a.ccording to the type of the e1s010. t ed o~o.n1sm • eThe incidencE:l of subolinical mastitis in ebuffo.loas wus 53.04 % and 76’079 % in cows, while the incid- eence of clinical musti tis in buffaloes and cows were 8.3respectively. The incidence of mastitis wns eincreased with age, stage of lactation and e,lcta.tion number. Chemico.l exa.m1nation of milk samples revenled tha.t th:K of examined milk samples lied betwE:len 6 and 7.A J..- wh1.1 :he chloride content varied