The Effect of Partial Intestinal Resection In Dogs on The Blood

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 151
BibID 10086284
Keywords : Veterinary Surgeryٍ    
Experi:nental surgicnl resections from t he small intestine were done on forty-two dogs divided into seven groups, e ech conteining six nnimnls. Dogs of the first group, were subjectedto resection of 20 percent from their smoll intestine. The precentoge of resection Was increased progressively ten per- CMt till we reached about 80 percent resection in dogs ofthe seventh group. Blood picture, biochemicDl changes ond the body weight were c~ried out on the normnl blood ~nd fol1cwing the reseetion upto six months. As much as sixty percent of the total small intestine innogs moy be r en oved without fatol results. Animals usuollyreturn gr adunl1y to a condition of particularly normal weightand metabolism when maintained on a f’o.vourable diet and goodcondi tions.Resections of more than sixty percent have a eeverely lim- ited prognosis and most of these QA~l~ are .oot. liable to ret-urn to a considerably no.rme L life.The main problem associated with resections of the amall~te8tine was the presence of severe diarrhoea and loss ofoody weight, from which they gradually recover untill they retu.rn to nearly the normal condition. They re::nain t hoowever t IItre~Jely sensitive to unfavourable ocndd t Lo na ot diet andgiene. 