Some studies on The mites Infecting sheep In sharkia Governerate

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 61
BibID 10081237
Keywords : Veterinary Parasitology    
Variou.s breeds, sexes and ages of sheep in El-8harkia province have been investigated for both the Sarcoptie andpsoroptic mite infections. The seasonal incidence, clistr- ibu.tion as well as the concentration of the various aearines du.ring their variou.s metrunorphic stages have been recordedand t abu La t e d , Indeed, out of the total nULl1ber of 6000 examined sheep du.ring the period of one year (Oct. 1975 _ Sept. 1976), 160 sheep were infected (2.68%). Meanwhile,the repeated examinations have clarified that only 154 cases were isolated as sarcoptic mite, 2.58%, while 6 cases belonged to the psoroptic mites (0.1%). Concerning the seasonal ab~nuance of mange infectionamong the examined sheep, it was clear that the incidence of ini’ection reached its maAr!mwn in j anuary as a winter peak (19 cases), slightly decreased in February and IiIarch,till Jlpril and May where it reached to 12 infected animals, this was followed by a fall at (11) and reached the minimu.m in (10 cases). ’1111e picu.trebegan to change u.pwards from September till December twoarc1s its peak in Janu.aryo It was of interest to mention that the age played 