the effect of some insecticides on certain internal parasites in laboratory animals

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1974
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 179
BibID 10352903
Keywords : Veterinary Pharmacology    
The anthelmintic effect 8.nd the toxicologic~l properties of some insecticides was investig,-ted inorder to asses their possible usefulness in Veterin~ryprpctice. The insecticides studied were ’rrichlorfon(Dipterex), Carbo..ryl (sevin) and Oxinothiophos (Bcwdip).The cmthelminticeffectHgainst ’rOX2sc2.r~s leonina strongYl~ides stercor2lisand cestodes (Dipylidium co.ninumand Te.enia), of these insecticides, in dogs W28 studied. A- Toxasce_ris~lleonina1- Tricincreased with increasing the dose. More effectives per os than by subcutRneous injection. 2- C8,rbE1.ryl showed high effecti VBess but lessthan Trichlorfon. Oral route is more effective3- Oxinothiophos h8.s slight effect only w.i th higher subcutaneous dose •B- Strongyloides ~tercor2.1is1- Trichlorfon. Effect of the larger dose either orally or subcutC1neously is m2rked. 