Studies of enterobacteriaceae in poultry

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 90
BibID 10094062
Keywords : Veterinary Microbiology    
The findings in this work could be summarized 1..71 the f’o ,A total of 448 sDLwles collected from living and different organs of dead poultry were ex~~ed in order to study the enteric bacteriCJ. recovered and their role in poultry troubles.The mos t prevalent micro-organisIns were pr oteus species followed by E. coli, citrobacter ~ aa’lmono.l La ,pseudomonas, enterobacter species, shichollao, hafnia providencin ~~d klebsiella species with an incidence of2a~8 %, 13~9 %, 11~3 %, 11~2 %, 9.6 %, 6.3 %, 4.9 % ~ 4 .• 6 %, 2.7 % and 0_!7 % respoctively.3E Serolosic21 exani nation of ~. 9.£.li.revealed thatout of 85 E. ~01~ strair~ isolated, 68 strains (l5!17%)could bo serogrouped into 19 serotypes, mile 17 strmnsC3!8%) caJnot be typed sorologicCJ.lly. The most prevalent p’1thogenic serotypes of E~ ~tolimet 1}Jith \~ero 02, 0111,0’?6, 086, Ol25 , 014,3, 022, 023, 0127, 018, 018c, 0101,01_12, 017, 042, OL~9, 0137, 0142 and 028. 