Pathomorphological studies on the uterus of buffaloe in Egypt

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1979
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 114
BibID 10082537
Keywords : Veterinary Pathology    
condition as, Doth ovariEs were not atrophied, zud Lmen t contain no structure, a ma-i;tEr whichwas not observed in our findings.from our cases, a s apro phi tic organism \; Rohado- coccoua” 1JVas Lao ed • ’J:he ut er-us contained mum.c i f Led featus. Uicroscopical examination revealed c hr on i.csuppurative metritis with c~stic dilatation of some u t e rLne glands. Ilo such case could be traced in theavo Ll.ab Leliterature.Forclarification of this condi-t i.on , the auther is of the openion that, early embr-yonic death had occurred, whatever the cause could be, then saprophi tic organisms which had n. po t errt Lr.I>-i ty to be pa’t hog en i.c invaded the mechanically teared endometrium by the calcifeed embvyes initiated typicalchronic suppurative metritis with systic glands.The aim of the present wo.rk is to correla-te t:b.ehistopathological picture with the Lso Lat ed pathug-enic o rg an i.sme , with a possible pathognomonic Le sionwi th each infection. 