Histological and histochemical studies of the lympho reticular and glandular tissues of the pharyngeal region of the one –humped camel (camellus dromedarius)

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 67
BibID 10352474
Keywords : Veterinary Histology    
The lyophareticular and glandular tissues associated with the. pharynx wore studied in ten hoods of adult c aac La, SOi:1plGS were takGn fron thv vc..ntral. dorsal and latercl parteof the pherymal walls as well as froll the ph&ryngeallynphnodes. The chooaed parts were fixGd in Hcllyt s fluid for48 hours! Thin soctions w.re stainDd to show the oicroscopic atr.ucture and the chenical uical couponcrrts of the tisSuesThe pharyngecl lyJph nodes were surrounded by a C.T. ccpsuf,c fc:.rc0d of <::.:’1. out (;r thic k loose layer nnd an inner thin deDEer 0n~! It contained bl8cd vessels, afferent lyophvassels nnd a varying nunbor of fib~Jblastst fat calls but suootih uusc.l,.. fibOIB • At th-:... hilus, t h; c apauLo Was forucd only of Ibo390onlloctiVG tissue containing efferent lyoph vo as c Ls , The trabeoulae in SOlJ.O Lytrph nodes were ’WGII dovcl-p,’•rc.trabcouJ.ar SinUS0S t the nodal, tissue VV8S -providod with c rctioulun of re. ticular fibr(;sTh::. cortical and ucdullnr;:,: tissues of the. pharYDgGcl Lytrph node were intorningicd with each oth(.r! Howevor, in sone 