The Effect of different chemicals on the infectivity , antigenicity &immunogenicity of foot & mouth disease virus strain (0/2/72 Egypt )

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 163
BibID 10092441
Keywords : Virus diseases    
The effect of different chemical inactivators on the il1Iectivity, antigenicity and immunogenicity of Fl\1J)V strain °1/2/72 Eg~t was studied, and tbe effect of thechemical inactivators on the keeping qualitr,y of the vaccinewas determined. Comparative studies between adsorbingpower of diff-erent ad juvants and their effec ts on the immune responseof inactivated antigens were determinedThe chemical inactivators used in these studies were0.05 % formaldehyde, 0.05 % AEI, 0.05 % BFL and 0.25 1\1hydroxylamine.1- The adjuvants used were Al gel and bentonite.Bentonite has nearly the same adsorbing power as Al gel.2- Formaldehyde in a concentration of 0,,05 10 at pH 7.6 and26.oC did not c omp Lece Iy inactivate the virus evenafter 96 hour s-3- All the infectious ’particles of FAll s t r ai.n °1/2/72 werecompletely inactivated by 0.05 % AEI of pH 7.5 at 37°0after 8 hours.4- By inactivating KillV with 0.05 % BFL of pH 8 at 2600, 