Physiopathological and histopathological studies on liver of rat due to senecio desfontainei druce

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 143
BibID 10812700
Keywords : Senecio Desfontainei Druce    
SUMMARYencjo dosforntajnoi ‘L,ruçe was collected from diffrent localities at lexandria, dried, aliquet of it was used in feeding cxperime.t, wilc the other was sub— jected for extraction procedure. The yield of extraction p rocedure was standardized in order to The experiment was designed, that each rat received an amount of alkalojdal cotont which nearly about Y2 and ‘4 the LI)50 of senecoinino and seneciophylline either from the extract or the powdered plant.1ats received a diet composed of milk, bread andbarley and some meat scrape.ats of experiment with extract were sacrificed, blood collected and scri obtained. GOT end bGPT activity was measured.Livers of the dead .nd sacrificiod rats of both feeding and experiment with extract were examined using ordinary microscopy and the results obtained from the feeding experiment was as follows :1. Congestion wa the first alteration to be noticed after 24 hours followed by marked congestion and hacmorrbage.2. Necrosis was obvious start at centrilobular include midzonal and poriportal areas which was important in sonocio poisoning.3. orac other necrotic cells wore found in a scattered manner in the hepatic lobules.4. Various degenerative changes motly hyDROPic in the2 weeks said fatty changes in other stages.5. Cells escaped the acute toxic effect revealed pathognomonic picture where extreme enlargement of it was noticed at first at one month. The cytoplasm of megalocytos contain deeply basophilic material (R1.A).b) heir nuclei were enlarged (Karyomegally) and first observed at two weeks c) oino of them exhibited abnormal shape.a) Intranucloar acidophilic inclusions wore detected.ibnormal figures of those cells indicate abnormal attempt for mitosis which probably load finally to carcthoenic action. some of these coils undergoing various degenorative changes.The kupff or cells was found to be activated and pronounced in degree at period of one month was the uniform result.Widespread, advanced proliferation of biliary opi— theiiuiu was noticed at 8 weeks as a universal picture accompanied by proliferation of fibroblasts but much lessor than biliary proliferation.Liononuclear cells found to infiltorate the necroticand portal aro.In experiment with extract, similar observations wore noticed but alterations in hopatocytes (including icelocytosis) were lessor than the feedinb experiment. Also, the degree of proliferation of kupfez, aells wero much more lesser.Group B 2 showed rninuo changes in comparison tothe other rats. because of smaller amount of alkaloidadministered.Physiopathoj.ogical studies revealed that there woreno obvious correlation between serum enzyme changes andpathological alteration.The character of the 1Jant was identified and alsothe characteristic element presont in it, was detected in the intestinal content of examined animal.Prom the present study we can concluded that the essential findings observed due to scnocio poisoning were found in rats liver r.ceived either the plant or its extract. It is evident also that the direct cause of hepatopathy are the pyrrolizidine alkaloidMcgalocytosis was secn and considered as pathognomonic findins,although the probability of masking this pathognomonic picture should be considered especially when fatty chancs or other degenerative process wore found.serum enzyme changes (GPT.-GQT) did not give a clue about the degro of hepatic dystrophy after Single exposure to the plant.The olu’omatographjc picture confirmed the presence of unidentjfic alkaloids which play a role in tOjty.Detoctor of thc key element of tho plant ingastric, intestinal content and faccal matter is regarded as a valuabl0 aid in preliminary diagnosj5.This ezperjmctaj work achieved the hazardjc effect of tho plant on anirnajs grazed on pasture contaminated with it. inglo exposure to tho plant is SUfficent to inducc pathologjcal alterations on condition that animals consume a considerable amount of it.