Incidence of zoonotic disease ( salmonellosis ) encountered in animals slaughtered in Egypt

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 375
BibID 10024408
Keywords : zoonoses    
1. This investigation was carried out to find the occurr- ence of salmonella infection in 550 samples collected from 200 animals no rma l.Ly slaughtered at Cairo abattoir. The s amp.l o s wo r o from faeces t mo s en t r Lc 1,Y’E1ph nodes and bile. 2. iJ.isolated from mesenteric l~llph nodos, 4. Occurrence of salmonella carrier rate ill slc.l~e;hterod sheop was 10%. 3. typhimurium was isolated from mesontric lymph nodos of throe animals and from faeces and mesenteric lymph nodes of another onowhile &. ago