The effect of vitamin A and E levels on semen quality of cocks

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 387
BibID 10380434
Keywords : Vitamins    
Summary:- Two exper~ents were conluct~l to stuly theeffect of vitawin A anI E on ae.aen quality of co cka ,In expe r-i.uenti 1, 25 Fayoilllli cocks of 14 uontihs 011 T,”jerelivilel into ”3 gr-cup s , 5 cocks as control receive 1 aliet containing 4000 i.u. vitawin iV’kg ,liet, exper-Luentigroup 1 of 10 cocks which receivel 2000 i.u. vitaJin ~!kg liet an-I experiwental group 2. of la cocks ;1000 i.u. vitauin .Aikg liet for a periol of 17 weeks;then at 18_20 week the cocks of experiwental g.r-oup 1were treatel with 2000 i.u. vitaoin iV’kg liet anl cocksof exper-Lmential, group 2. treate.:l with ,50,000 L,u- vita.uinAikg liet ...The quality of’sewen of 3 groups were stu :1e1 i:viththe following results:1) Visual appearance of ae.aen snowe .1. change f’r-ouwhite, creauy an 1 lense to w:lite watery a greyish waterin experiuentaJ. group 1 an L 2. which receivel 1071 vitCli.1i.nIt..liet. 