Histopathological changes of pneumoenteritis complex in newly born calves

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 128
BibID 10080196
Keywords : Veterinary Pathology    
1- These investigation included the observations of 1230, newly born buffalo calves through the year 1976, 1977 and 1978. 220 calves showe d the clinical symptoms of pneumo-enteritis complex syndrome. It was found that the morbid- ity rate, case rold popUlation mortality rates ~~re 18.05% 52070% and 9.51 % respectively. Necropsy was performed on 117 animals which were either dead or emergency slaug- htered • Samples were col4- The r-e su.l t s revealed that the bacterial flora present inthe y~ung buffalo caIves included Staphylococci 2e % f Streptococci 13.2%, E. coli 10% , Corynebacterium pyogenes 10%, Pasteurlla species 3.3% and Micrococci (unidentified)3.3%. Yeast could be isolated from one case. The viruses isolated were PI3V from one case as well as unidentified other one. 