A Studu Of The Pathological Changes In Rabbits By One Member Of The Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Group Aldrin

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 60
BibID 10077094
Keywords : Veterinary Pathology    
Twenty males and females Boskat rabbits were given a solution of 0.55% aldrin. The rabbits were given t}~ee successive daily oral doses of 5 milligrams perKilogram body weight followed by a week without ademinstration of the toxin.The symptoms of aldrin toxicosis revealed both stimulation and depression of the o errtz-a L nervoussystem. The macroscopical lesions were mild. Congestion of all the parenchymatous organsr had been seen.Kidneys were pale in oolor with the presence of necrotic foci and dipresions unde~ the copsole.Necrotic fooi were seen in liver and brain. Degenrativa changes were also found in parenchymatous organ.Microscopically the brain showed congestion sateilitosis and neuronophagia, cncephalomalaicaand encephalomylitis. The charatarestic lesion in the liver was different degenarative changes, andcongestion. Kid.n.l~ showed congestion and different 