Some Epidemiological studies on escherchia coli in poultry farms

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2000
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 150
BibID 10091099
Keywords : Veterinary Microbiology    
Three experiments were carried out during this study.I. Experiment I:In the present study the bacteriological examination of 1272samples collected from 2 broiler beerder farms and one hatchery locatedat Kalyobia Govemorate was carried out to deal mainly with differentpossible sources of E.coli infection as well as bacterial contamination onhatching eggs. The obtained results cleared that.l-Total Bacterial Count:Significant differences In mean T.B.C. of samples collectedfrom farm I and those from farm H .• :.Significant differences in mean T.B.C. of samples collectedduring summer and those collected during winter..:. No significant differences in mean T.B.C. of samples collectedat 30th week and those collected at so” week, also noSignificant differences in T.B.C. of samples collected atweek and those collected at so” week of age .• :.Significant differences in mean T.B.C. of water samplescollected from drinkers and those collected from main watertank .• :. Significant differences in mean T.B.C. of feed samplescollected from feeders and those collected from feed bags .• :.Significant differences in mean T.B.C. among samplescollected from different sites (litter, feed, water, dust, and eggnests litter). 