9. A.S. Sabbah "Chemical reaction of ( ) mesons with hydrogen molecular ions" Bull. Faculty of Science

Faculty Science Year: 1991
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Zagazig Nursing Journal Zagazig Nursing Journal Volume:
Keywords : 9. A.S. Sabbah "Chemical reaction , , , mesons with    
9. A.S. Sabbah "Chemical reaction of ( ) mesons with hydrogen molecular ions" Bull. Faculty of Science

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  • Abdullah Saeed Sabbah, "scattering of low-energy positronium by hydrogen atoms", " Bull. Faculty of Science, Zagazig Univ, 1983 More
  • Abdullah Saeed Sabbah, "scattering of low-energy positronium by hydrogen atoms", " Bull. Faculty of Science, Zagazig Univ, 1983 More
  • Abdullah Saeed Sabbah, "Sabbah, G.S. Ismail and I.I. Hanna "Thermoelectric power of degenerate semimetals" Proc. Of The 1st Int. Conf, On Applied Math. Ficamfe,", Zagazig Nursing Journal, 1984 More
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