The role of high resolution computed tomography in evaluation of cholesteatoma

Faculty Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 120
BibID 11785772
Keywords : Radiodiagnosis    
Cholesteatoma is a well demarcated non neoplastic lesion in the temporal bone, which is commonly described as skin in wrong place. It is a frequently seen complaint especially following chronic otitis media Cholesteatoma is either congenital (2%) or acquired (98%). Acquired cholesteatoma is either primary (80%) or secondary (18%) The aim of this work is to emphasize the role, value and impact of HRCT in diagnosis of cholesteatoma, its complications with correlation of the results with operative data.This study was carried out on 30 patients (14 male &16 female) with clinically suspected cholesteatoma.6 out of 30 patients showed bilateral cholesteatoma, thus we have 36 ears of cholesteatoma. They all undergo HRCT using 1mm slice thickness &1mm section interval &small field of view with axial and coronal sections CT imaging has proven to be an accurate method of depicting the characteristic findings of middle ear cholesteatoma, including the extent and complications In our study, HRCT enabled the preoperative delineation of the cholesteatoma and the recognition of its manifestations and complications. The proximity of these soft tissue masses to the neighboring structures and facial nerve is best appreciated when the area is viewed in axial and coronal sections. Excellent contrast between bone, air and soft tissues can be demonstrated. 