Arterial Stiffness is Associated with Tissue Doppler Atrial Conduction Times and P Wave Dispersion in Hypertensive Patients

Faculty Not Specified Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Article Pages: 147-153
Authors: DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.51.6345
Research Area: General \& Internal Medicine ISSN ISI:000299380400002
Keywords : arterial stiffness, hypertension (HTN), interatrial EMD, P wave dispersion    
Background Arterial stiffness is strongly predictive for cardiovascular events in hypertensive individuals and it may increase the risk of stroke. This study was designed to evaluate the possible relationship between arterial stiffness and atrial electromechanical delay and P wave dispersion (PWD), as determinants of AF risk. Materials and Methods The study included 75 hypertensive patients and 45 healthy control subjects. Atrial electromechanical coupling (time interval from the onset of P wave on ECG to the beginning of A wave with tissue Doppler echocardiography {[}PA]), intraatrial and interatrial electromechanical delay (EMD) and PWD were measured. Stiffness index beta \& PWV was measured to assess the arterial stiffness. Results The interatrial EMD and PWD were prolonged in hypertensive patients compared to controls (p<0.01 for both), There was increased arterial stiffness (PWV and stiffness index beta) in hypertensive patients compared to controls (6.43 +/- 1.73 vs. 4.8 +/- 1.6 m/sec \& 4.9 +/- 2.8 vs. 2.63 +/- 1.2, p<0.01 for both). By multivariate analysis; PWV and Stiffness index beta were independently correlated with interatrial EMD (B +/- SE=0.42 +/- 1.87, B +/- SE=0.39 +/- 0.21 p<0.01 for both) and PWD (B +/- SE=0.37 +/- 1.93, p<0.01, B +/- SE=0.25 +/- 0.18, p<0.05 respectively). Conclusion In hypertensive patients arterial stiffness indexes increased and showed a significant correlation with interatrial EMD and PWD independent of other variables. Further research is needed to determine whether interventions that reduce arterial stiffness will limit the growing incidence of AF.