Effect of Egyptian Bread Prepared by Different Types of Flour on Diabetic Rats and Its Glycemic Index in Diabetic Patients

Faculty Specific Education Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Article Pages: 2264-2272
Research Area: Life Sciences \& Biomedicine - Other Topics ISSN ISI:000315724100323
Keywords : Egyptian bread, Glycemic index, diabetes, corn flour, rice flour, whole wheat, alloxan    
The blood glucose response to a food is not accurately predicted by the content of available carbohydrate in the food. Also Glycemic index (GI) is a useful index to describe the extent to which certain food can increase the blood glucose in human. The present study was carried out to estimate the effect of Egyptian bread prepared by different types of flour on diabetic rats and it's glycemic index in diabetic patients. Seven different types of bread were examined which prepared by different mixture of flours (wheat, corn and rice). A total of 45 male healthy rats, weighing between (140-150gm) were divided into 9 groups. all rats were subcutaneous injected by alloxan as 150 mg/kg body weight rats to induce hyperglycemic except rats of negative control. The negative control and positive control groups (1 and 2) fed on basal diet without submailintion, all diabetic treated groups (1-9) fed on basal diet containing deferent type of bread as a source of carbohydrates. Then samples were collected to examine serum glucose and lipids profile. In addition the present human study was conducted among 50 diabetic out patients attending Six October Hospital was assessed by measured height, weight, age, body mass index, as well as blood analysis of glucose by One Touch USA. For all patients Blood glucose were estimated as fasting and after 2 hours from eating 50 g carbohydrates of different types of bread, and also blood glucose were estimated as fasting and after 2 hours from eating 50 g of glucose, to calculate glycemic index. The observed results revealed a significant (p <= 0.05) decrease in serum glucose and lipids profile (total lipids, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-c and VLDL-c) and also significant (p <= 0.05) increase in HDL-c were observed for all diabetic groups fed on diets containing different types of bread comparing with diabetic rats fed on basal diet (control positive). The best results were found in group which fed on bread (whole wheat + whole corn + white riceflours 1: 1: 1), followed by group which fed on bread (whole wheat flour 100\%). Moreover, the lowest values of glycaemic index (61 +/- 7.00) were showed for bread (whole wheat + whole corn + white riceflour 1: 1: 1) followed by groups which fed on bread (whole wheat + white riceflour 1: 1) and (whole wheat flour 100\%) (63 +/- 6.00) and (64 +/- 7.00) in diabetic II respectively. In conclusion, using of breads had low-GI carbohydrates would be beneficial to patients with type 2 diabetes. {[}Hany Helmy and Hanaa F. El-Mehiry. Effect of Egyptian Bread Prepared by Different Types of Flour on Diabetic Rats and Its Glycemic Index in Diabetic Patients. Life Sci J 2012; 9(3): 2264-2272] (ISSN: 1097-8135).http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 325