Environmental impact assessment of subsurface drainage projects in Egypt

Faculty Engineering Year: 2010
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 165
BibID 11199685
Keywords : Drainage    
the main objective of this study is to measure the impact of drainage system and drainage projects in Egypt on the environment. Focus is directed towards the effects of providing subsurface drainage to agricultural lands. The environmental impact assessment of subsurface agricultural land <drainage both positive and negative is measured in the present study. The overall balance of the impacts of drainage improvements cannot be satisfactorily determined in many cases. Therefore, besides field experiments the problems expertise in general is the best way to predict or diagnose the impacts. To achieve this approach, the study was conducted in two main steps. The first one is the experimental field work that was formulated to obtain measured data necessary to evaluate and assess the impact of subsurface drainage projects on the main categories of the environmental issues. The main categories that could be affected by subsurface land drainage include soil, hydrology, pollution Now entering a new, very complicated phase, an environmental era, in which human food needs must harmonize with environmental, ecological, and sustainable principles. 