Numerical and photoelastic analysis of tunnels containing cracks

Faculty Engineering Year: 1991
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 263
BibID 10344467
Keywords : Tunnels    
- II -ABSTRACTThe t.unnel-soU int.eI’8ct.ion pr-obtem is one of’ t.hecomplicat.ed int.el’act.ive pl’oblems. In ol’de:l’ t.o p:l’edict. aI’ealist.ic t.unnel pel’f’o:l’mance, t.he t.unnel p:l’opel’t.ies, aswell as t.he s\U”:I’oundin~ soil medium pl’opel’t.ies, az-e t.o beconsfder-ed. The f’init.e element. and phot.oelast.ic analyses of’t.he in’;e:l’al pr-obfem, of’ t.he t.unnel and t.he int.e:l’act.ivezone of” t.he soil medium, is one of’ t.he analyt.ical andexpel’ met.hods which ~ives mor-e :l’ealist.ic :l’esult.s.C:I’sck pl’esence in a t.unnel yields t.o a l’edist.l’ibut.ion of’t.he int.el’sct.ive pl’ess\U”e bet.ween t.he t.unnel and t.headjacent. sol1 and, c~es in t.he t.unnelpel’f’ol’mance .A comput-er- pro~ram based on t.he f’init.e element. t.heo:l’Yis developed t.o model t.he t.unnel-soil!at.ion. ThesoU medium is I’epl’esent.ed by 4-node isop8l’amet.ricquadrilat.eral linear st.l’ain element.s and t.he t.unnel isI’epresent.ed by beana - colm.t element.s. A special element. isemployed t.o simulat.e t.he cl’8cked part.s of’ t.he t.unnel . 