Applications Of Digital Control On A Chemical Process

Faculty Engineering Year: 2000
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 98
BibID 10674593
Keywords : Electronics    
One main objective of this research project is to study the stabilization of the operation of Benfield solution (8.S) stage (inTalkha Il Fertilizer Company )by designing an appropriatecontrol system for the level of (8.S) in the absorption tower.It is very important to construct a mathematical model which simulates the practical system construction and operation. In this model a proportional integral (PI) controller is designed tocontrol the process. Both the continuos and discrete types are considered.The different techniques of ptimization are utilized to minimize the error performance using proportional integralcontrol parameters (PI) to ensure that the system output tracks changes in the reference signal in an acceptably fast way. It is required to obtain a zero steady - state error following a stepreference input.Both theoretical analysis and experimental studies result in awell accepted model with different system parameters. 