Optimal irrigation scheduling under actual field conditions

Faculty Engineering Year: 1988
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 284
BibID 10417519
Keywords : Irrigation    
The scarcity of water hazards necessitate that an should be adopted.resources and the present droughtefficient water management policyThe wrong concepts of the water application practices in irrigated agriculture result in wasting large quantities of water resources as well as causing drainage problems as a resultof the continuously rising water table, which finally result in ious”reductions in both water availability for agricultural development and yield levels.The accurate irrigation scheduling can be an effective solution for this problem, provided that it is based on actual prevailing field conditions.This study presents a methodology for the establishment of optimal irrigation scheduling programs using simulation modeling technique as a mean for testing the efficiency of such programsin achieving certain management objectives. A transient one-dimensional finite-difference model for simulating the unsaturated-saturated water flowina soil-root system, providing different types of bottom boundary conditions, is presented.The water extraction function has been modified so that the salinity effect on the sink term can be represented.The salinity problem has been intensively studied aiming atachieving the best use of saline water resources instead of 