
Faculty Engineering Year: 1992
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 128
BibID 10329980
Keywords : Subcontracting    
The objective of this study is to identify and evaluate the role of subcontracting in the Egyptian construction industry. The study concerned with the two parties involved in subcontracting process; genral contractr and subcontractor. For the general contractor; subcontracting < role and strategy would be identified and evaluated through studying the relations between subcontracting and, work volume, work type, project characteristics, financial labour assignment and site management. The behaviour of the general contractor with subcontractors was evaluated through evaluation of subcontracting procedures, subcontracts and and subcontractors’ control. < Subcontractors were classified according to the degree of education, < annual work volume and activity type. < Subcontractors’ managerial performance was evaluated with respect to capacity, quality understanding, flexibility to work volume changes and flexibility to work type changes. Also, subcontractors were evaluated with to respect br>construction industry requirements which are represented in: financial position, cost estimating, market and marketIng, efficiency and experience. A call is to improve the role of subcontracting in the Egyptian construction industry . - 