dynamic processes of plant residue conversions and their management

Faculty Science Year: 2008
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 150
BibID 10644489
Keywords : Botany    
This experiment was done to study the physical and chemical properties of different sources of compost and their effect with or without different nitrogen fertilizers levels (i.e. either alone or in combinations) on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and biocField experiment was carried out in a newly reclaimed loamy sandy soil located at the experimental farm of Kassasine Horticultural Research, Station, Ismailia, Governorate, Egypt.Different types of plant residues (Pepper residues plant, Rice straw and Eggplant residues) were used to prepare different sources of composts.Garlic “Balady” c.v. was used in this study and was planted on October 26th in 2005/2006 season in the soil under drip irrigation system.In this experiment, the amount of composts were added during soil preparation in the center of the raw and covered by sand.Ammonium sulfate fertilizer containing 21.6 % was used as source of nitrogen, applied at rate 0, 30, 60 and 120kg N/fed. Application of N was started 30 days after sowing through six equal splits, 15 days apart. Potassium sulfate fertilizer 48% K2O (40% K