Quantum Statistical Properits Of Rapiation

Faculty Science Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 73
BibID 9721839
Keywords : STATISTICAL    
4.9- ConclusionWe easily deduce that the relation between the mean occupation number of photons and the total variances is always satisfied in the pure squeezed vacuum state and mixed one as followswhere and are the variances with respect to and .We can see from (4.21) that the squeezed vacuum mixed state is super-Poissonian statistics of the field. Thus, the photons in a squeezed vacuum mixed state are always bunched irrespective of the value of the energy parameter .It is clear, from the expansion (4.51), that the Wigner function for the single-mode squeezed vacuum mixed state is a real function. This function is symmetric in the real and imaginary parts of the phase space variable . The plot of the Wigner function i