Conversion of Cellulosic Wastes to Valuable Textile Auxiliaries

Faculty Science Year: 2007
Type of Publication: Theses Pages:
BibID 10218259
Keywords : Textile Auxiliaries    
Conversion of Cellulosic Wastes to Valuable Textile AuxiliariesFlax processing wastes contain complex mixture of cellulose and different cementing materials like hemicelluloses, pectins and lignins, in addition to minor amounts of fats and waxy materials. This research work is directed towards the use of chemical metWith the above in mind, the present work was under taken with a view of: Studying the major factories affecting the extraction of the cellulosic component from flax wastes. Finding the optimum conditions to bleach the extracted cellulosic component using peracetic acid. Carrying out systematic studies for the preparation of hydroxypropylcellulose from extracted and bleached cellulosic components. Finding the best conditions for the preparation of poly (acrylic acid) – hydroxypropyl cellulose composite. Utilization of the prepared hydroxypropyle cellulose and poly (acrylic acid)-hydroxypropyle cellulose composite as a substituent for kerosene oil emulsion in pigment printing and sodium alginate in printing with reactive dye 