Ecological studies on the effect of water quality on the growth and nitrogen

Faculty Science Year: 2001
Type of Publication: Theses Pages:
BibID 10216551
Keywords : growth and nitrogen    
This work deals with ecological studies on Azolla pinnata naturally growing in two different habitats at Sharkia Province (namely irrigation habitat at Hehiya and drainage habitat at Abu – Hammad )Azolla pinnata belongs to family Azollaceae and invades drainage and irrigation canals .The study included the analysis of water of the two habitats supporting A. pinnata and chemical composition of this plant . The latter includes , precentage of ash , chlorophyll content , carbohydrate content , sugars , lipid content , nitrogen content orThe effect of different concentrations Of salinity and Niclosamid (bilocide ) on the growth , chlorophyll content and total nitrogen of A. pinnata were also studied .Floristic composition of the plant community type was carried out in the two habitats . 